Once again dear Colin we are in sync! Did I tell you that I'm working on a project on place, memory, and identity (hence post-Ulysses, my book group and I are thick in the midst of In Search of Lost Time). Wonder what your thoughts are on the environmental psychology literature on place attachment, which I have spent the last couple of months reading: more noise than light, from what I could discern. In any case: the days when your blog posts appear in my inbox are always good days. SWG

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Dear Sarah, I think that we are intellectual twins, or at least siblings! I've also been reading In Search of Lost Time! What a fabulous coincidence. As for place attachment, I confess that when I teach enviro psych classes I usually skim over this area because I don't get it. Place attachment seems to be one of those things that we all understand until we try to explain it. I did recently join on a project on place-immersion, but that's quite different and made more sense to me. I'm looking forward to learning what comes of your project. As always, thanks so much for reading. It's so great to have you here.

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